
A School teacher once wrote in my class end of year report ‘Michael has a gift for words.’ I was about 8 yrs old and was very excited showing it to my parents. My Mother was proud. My Dad grunted ‘ I think it means that you talk too much!’ That’s being brought down to down to earth with a bang. I thought it was a peculiar Scottish trait to stop people ‘rising above their station.’ Yet many great Scots proved they could still make their mark. Now I learn that Australians have something similar which they call ‘Tall Poppy Syndrome’, meaning the tallest poppies in the field are cut down. Perhaps it isn’t restricted to us Scots.

I don’t expect to be a tall poppy. I just know that I have experienced many amusing things in my life along with some times of great sadness, others full of love and plenty of life’s rich tapestry thrown in. I’ve so far been very privileged to have met (or seen- e.g. top Sprts people) some truly great people also. I wanted to record those stories, thoughts and emotions for my children (grown up), family, friends and the generations to come so that might know me and my life a little better. If others get some enjoyment from reading my tales (or ramblings as I call them) then that will be great too.

1 Response to About

  1. gedartis says:

    you must have a big heart to write these poems. especially the clock. keep on writing.

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